We told you about our neighborhood fake Cupcake last week. She’s still around, and she tried to follow a visitor into the house a few days ago! But Misty isn’t the only fake Cupcake going around.
Cupcake’s foster mom has a cat who is also a fake Cupcake.
Kitten Cupcake (then named Dior):
And fake kitten Cupcake:
Real kitten Cupcake:
Fake Cupcake:
Fake kitten Cupcake is named Gargoyle, in honor of real Cupcake’s habit of lurking on top of the bathroom cabinet like a gargoyle.
Little Gargoyle is full of sass, just like her namesake. If you ever wanted your own Cupcake, Gargoyle will be available for adoption soon from Colony Cats in Ohio.
UPDATE: Gargoyle was adopted!