Thanks for your interest in Cats Herd You! Our engaged readers are interested in pet-related products and topics, and you’ve come to the right place to reach them through our young and growing blog. We would love to talk to you about advertising, product review, or giveaways that will put you in front the customers you’ve been looking for.
General Policies
We’re cats, and that means we love cat products and services. If you’re interested in our reviewing, promoting, or advertising your products for cats, we would love to hear from you.
The FTC requires bloggers to have a disclosure policy, even if we are cats. This is to keep us all safe. Our disclosure policy:
- We accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. However, we won’t promote a product or service that isn’t a value to our readers.
- All reviews will be our own opinions, and we can’t guarantee a positive review. We’re cats, after all, and we don’t like everything we try. We will give our readers an honest assessment of the product or service when we review it.
- We believe in word of mouth marketing standards, including honest opinions. If compensation received influences the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog, the content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
- We won’t advertise or promote products we haven’t tried ourselves or would not use ourselves.
- Any products we receive we have gotten free of charge and at no personal cost.
- Every piece of content has financial impact.
- Every piece of content in this blog may be used to promote products, services, and affiliate businesses.
- We use “nofollow” links in sponsored posts in accordance with Google policies.
- We pay for giveaways or contests ourselves, unless otherwise identified.
- We may include affiliate links to partner businesses that are relevant to our readers. We may not always identify every link as being an affiliate link.