I’m sad to have to share the news of my beloved Pierre’s death. He died at home, in my arms. His congestive heart failure was too much, and it was time.
Saying goodbye to him was also the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my life, even though I know it was the kindest thing I could do. I don’t believe in the rainbow bridge concept — I find it disturbing and not the least bit comforting. But I do take some comfort in knowing I did everything I could to love him and give him the best life I could. And I didn’t let him suffer from something he could not understand because I could not explain.
I am heartbroken. The pillow he slept on next to mine is empty. The red dot that lives on the sofa is lonely.
I miss him chirping and rolling for attention on my desk as I sit and look at the computer monitor like I am right now. No cat will sit in my lap now or on my shoulders, and my lap is cold.
I miss his expressions. He had the most expressive eyes of any cat I have ever known, and he could say volumes with a look.
I miss Pierre very much, but I was privileged to share my life with him. And to share him with all of you. Thank you all for loving him, too.