Newton: Check out the special Mardi Gras toys the head peep brought us!
Newton: Whoa, what the….
Newton: No one told me that I was expected to wear these.
Newton: This is so undignified. I’m going to hide back here where no one can see me.
Unfamiliar objects, used as toys, can cause entanglement. Always supervise to make sure that nothing unexpected happens!
Ashton: I just knew those things were dangerous.
Pierre: This is more embarrassing than dangerous. Mancats don’t wear beads.
Pierre: You were laughing at me, weren’t you? Stop that. I just want to have some fun with these beads.
Pierre: They make an enticing sound when they slide across the floor, and they feel great in my claws.
Pierre: You’re not getting away this time!
Pierre: * Arrrrgh!* *Gack!*
The game was over when Pierre managed to wedge the beads between his teeth and couldn’t get them out. He flung his head back and forth until someone could catch the beads and gently pull them free from his teeth. He probably would have worked them free eventually, but he might have injured himself before he realized he could get free. Supervised play with unfamiliar toys is always the safest route.