Are you microchipped? I am. Wait, I’m not talking to you with the two legs and the cup of coffee. I’m talking to your cat. I have no idea whether they microchip people, but if they do, it’s a subject for another discussion.
Registered microchips save lives. My grandpeep’s dog has a microchip, and a few years ago, we got a call that he had ended up in a local shelter. Without that microchip, that dog would never have gotten home. While you might secretly wish that happened to the neighbor’s dog every time he scares you, you don’t want it happening to you.
Some people say they can’t afford microchips for their pets. Our local SPCA is sponsoring a Microchip Monday today. Maybe yours is doing something similar, too.
So if you aren’t wearing a microchip, take it from a handsome mancat. They’re in fashion. They’re useful. And you don’t want to be the only cat on the block without one.