Newton: Check out the special Mardi Gras toys the head peep brought us!
Newton: Whoa, what the….
Newton: No one told me that I was expected to wear these.
Newton: This is so undignified. I’m going to hide back here where no one can see me.
Unfamiliar objects, used as toys, can cause entanglement. Always supervise to make sure that nothing unexpected happens!
Ashton: I just knew those things were dangerous.
Pierre: This is more embarrassing than dangerous. Mancats don’t wear beads.
Pierre: You were laughing at me, weren’t you? Stop that. I just want to have some fun with these beads.
Pierre: They make an enticing sound when they slide across the floor, and they feel great in my claws.
Pierre: You’re not getting away this time!
Pierre: * Arrrrgh!* *Gack!*
The game was over when Pierre managed to wedge the beads between his teeth and couldn’t get them out. He flung his head back and forth until someone could catch the beads and gently pull them free from his teeth. He probably would have worked them free eventually, but he might have injured himself before he realized he could get free. Supervised play with unfamiliar toys is always the safest route.

Oh, grrr, never mind your mancat sensibilities, it looks just like a scene from a trip to the bead shop when I am trying to see what I’ve bought and a certain little ginger boy with huuuuge paws sneaks up to ‘help’! What is it with cats and beads…..!!!
Those beads are only good as toys. Nice job putting the bitey on them, Pierre!
Oh no.. how scary that must have been when fun turned dangerous….
Got to say, the beads looked great on you though
Those beads look like fun but it’s good you had human snoopervision!!
Please stop by our blog today….we gave you an award!!
The Florida Furkids
Those beads do look like fun. They are pretty too. Hope all of you have a great and fun day.
you are sooooooo right about supervising when playing! If you hadn’t, they might have chewed through the string and swallowed beads too! You made me remember that i DO have beads here, maybe next year! Love the photos!!
We think the purple beads suit you best Pierre.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Yep, we always need to be careful when playing with our MG beads.
Oh, and I’ve been known to wear them, too. Nothing to be ashamed of, Newton!
Daddy brought home similar beads from a team building exercise his office had. He thought we would love them (and we did) then he suddenly had visions of us swallowing the beads so he threw them away. 🙁
We hope your Peep lets you play with your beads (under close supervision, of course) because they really are FUN!
guys…next yeer we say go with wearin king cake…itz tastee urr N ya can roll on it, in it …ore chomp it up ta yur heartz content !!
MOL! We love the second picture of Newton. Too funny! Hope you guys enjoyed your Mardi Gras!
Newton and Pierre…real men to wear Mardi Gras beads but you two wear them with such style and class
Hugs madi your bfff
Those were great as long as you were closely snoopervised by your Mom. We thought the beads looked great on your Newton, especially when you started doing your fine dancing in them!
Gee, those do look like fun until they fight back MOL!
They are real pretty and inciting, but they can be dangerous in so many ways as you said…however, playtime with them can really be fun and entertaining…we had a ball! Thanks for the safety tips!!! Purrs…
Our boys love their beads but thanks for pointing out hazards. These “toys” must be used with supervision.
Adorables! But we’re glad to know you were being soopervised. Quite the switcheroo, huh? Purrs…
Mancats can and do wear beads. Good reminders on making sure we kitties play safely.
Yikes, that must have been scary! Yep, my Human says she can’t trust me with beads (or string) on my own, either. Cool photo of Newton dancing with his string of beads, though.
How scary for you, Pierre. I have a pair of Lub Beads from the Shibbering Chettos that I like but TW won’t let me bite them. In fact I haven’t seen them in years.
We never would have thought Mardi Gras beads could get stuck in between kitty teeth. It was lucky there was supervision! Our mom didn’t even try to make us wear the beads, she knew better.
We <3 you so much. You all were absolutely adorable playing with the beads. And the photos are A+. Very smart that you had supervision, or there would be no adorable photos to share with us. Have a great weekend. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo