Newton: Hey, Ashton, I heard that you were going to open a chicken emporium. Do you have a location yet? If not, I think I found a perfect one for you.
Make me an offer I can’t refuse for it!
Read more about Ashton’s chicken capers.
Laugh. Learn. Love cats.
Newton: Hey, Ashton, I heard that you were going to open a chicken emporium. Do you have a location yet? If not, I think I found a perfect one for you.
Make me an offer I can’t refuse for it!
Read more about Ashton’s chicken capers.
Ashton: I loved all of the name suggestions that you had for my chicken restaurant! After a lot of thought, I decided it’s going to be called Ashton’s Chicken Emporium.
Thanks so much to Clooney for the help thinking it up. I can’t wait to get started taste testing!
Ashton: I got some bad news. KFC looked at my job application, and they said they don’t want me as a taste taster.
Pierre: Why not? It sounded like the perfect job for you. Any time anyone in the house is eating, you come running to see if it’s chicken.
Ashton: They said something about me being a miner.
Pierre: Oh, that makes sense.
Ashton: It does NOT make sense! I don’t even have thumbs to hold a pickaxe. But the chicken man kept insisting.
Pierre: *sighs* Minor. He meant you’re too young.
Ashton: I’m not too young to taste chicken! I’ve been doing it since I was a kitten!
Pierre: Well, you didn’t want a job anyhow.
Ashton: But I wanted to taste chicken. Lots of chicken.
Pierre: Mmmmmff.
Ashton: So I was thinking… what if I opened a chicken restaurant of my own?
Pierre: Mmmmmmmmmff.
Ashton: Why do I think you aren’t taking me very seriously?
Ashton: If I open my own chicken restaurant, you and Newton could help me taste test.
Pierre: Hey, I like the sound of this!
Ashton: See? So start thinking about names. We’ll brainstorm them soon!
What do you think Ashton should name her chicken restaurant?