Last week, Pierre wasn’t feeling so good. He went from his bright, happy self one day to depressed and sick the next, and we were worried about him.
Of course, he got sick on a Sunday. It’s Murphy’s Law that your cat will get sick on the one day a week your vet isn’t open. He wasn’t so sick that I thought he needed the emergency vet, so first thing Monday, we headed to the vet.
Add to Murphy’s Law that not only when your cat gets really sick it’s the day your vet is closed, the next day, both vets at the office that takes care of your cats, too. Pierre saw the fill-in vet, who I had never met before. He got fluids, vitamin B, and the vet sent us home an antibiotic for his gastrointestinal issues.
But he didn’t get better. He got worse. The next day, we were back at the vet. This time, they drew blood for testing and took a closer look inside him with an X-ray. When the vet was concerned about what she saw in his stomach in the X-ray, and she wanted a second opinion from a radiologist, I started to get really worried. The radiologist said it wasn’t a mass, probably lots of foam from him being sick for days on end. Whew.
A relief for my worry wasn’t a relief for Pierre. The vet wanted to keep Pierre for the day on IV fluids to try to get him feeling better. I watched as they shaved his leg and put in the IV catheter. He didn’t growl or protest, and he barely needed to be restrained. This was hardly the cat I knew.
While Pierre was spending the day hanging around with this friends at the vet, they ran a urinalysis. He had a urinary tract infection! This didn’t explain all of his symptoms, so it had to be treated on top of everything else.
The vet was great about calling me with updates. Four of them during the course of the day. But it still seemed like a very long day to me. I suspect it seemed even longer to Pierre, who is a timid cat and doesn’t like strangers, strange places, or strange things.
When he finally was released to come home, he came home with one of those strange things on him. The IV catheter was carefully bandaged over with a very sporty leopard-print bandage in case it was needed again during the week. Just the fact that they thought they might need it again was really sobering. He climbed up on the sofa onto Cupcake’s catghan and didn’t want to be bothered after his long day.
The next morning, it was time to start a new medication regimen for him. 4 morning medications, three of them in pills.
He still had no appetite, so he wouldn’t eat them in pill pockets. So I tried to get the pills into him the good old fashioned way. And tried. And tried. I finally had to call the vet’s office in embarrassment and tell them that although I have given literally thousands of pills to cats in my life, Pierre had defeated me.
So it was back to the vet again to be pilled. He may not be eating yet, but every car trip, his protests got louder. The vet’s office called in his medications to be compounded into liquids. He’s not a fan of those, either, but at least I could get his evening medications into him without having to take him back to the vet for him to take them.
By the end of the week, Pierre had accumulated lots of frequent flyer miles on his trips back and forth to the veterinarian. He had to go back one more time to have the catheter removed from his arm.
This time, he figured out he wouldn’t be found if he hid under the towel in the bottom of his Sleepypod carrier.
Has anyone seen Pierre?
Pierre: Is it working?
It’s a good thing it didn’t work, because Pierre was clearly glad to have that catheter out of his arm after his appointment. The best thing about this appointment to vet was that everyone could see that Pierre was starting to feel a lot better, finally. He has been improving a little every day since, too.
Last week was a really long week for all of us, and we’re so glad to have our grumpy gray cat back feeling like his feisty self again!

Poor Pierre! He’s been through a lot this week. I’m glad he’s finally starting to feel better.
Wow, poor Pierre! We are glad you are feeling better with each day, and we hope you don’t have to go back to the vet for a while now!
So glad Pierre is feeling better! We hope he keeps feeling better!
Wow, poor Pierre. That was a long week for all of you. Sure glad he is feeling a little better. We sure send lots of good thoughts that he keeps on feeling better.
Poor Pierre. I’m glad you’re feeling better now. When I got sick like this I ended up in the hospital for 4 days! And came home with a feeding tube! I’m glad that didn’t happen to you. ~Wally
I’m glad Pierre is feeling better. Sending comforting thoughts.
Wow, that was an ordeal for both of you. We’re glad he’s feeling better.
The Florida Furkids
Oh Pierre… What a relief you’re on the mend and feelin’ a bit better. I’m gonna purr extra for you this comin’ week, so that you have a really speedy recovery. PURRS
Poor guy! I’m sure it was exhausting for everyone.
Thank Baste our dream boy is feeling better!!!
His human must have had a fretful week, too.
Sending purrs from asl of us to all of you for a much calmer week. XOXO
poor baby
Hope Pierre continues to feel better! It’s so hard on the humans too when a dear cat is ill.
ugh – no one needs that much adventure in their lives. sometimes we wonder if the back and forth somehow makes them think “maybe I should eat or whatever just so they stop making me go” 🙂 sending lots of purrs
I am sorry Pierre had such a tough time. I am glad he is feeling better though.
Pierre we are all glad to hear you are back to feeling better.
oh this just broke my heart! My poor Pierre! I can see from the expression on his face that he was not a happy camper (what kitty would be?) I am surprised they didn’t give you the appetite stimulant when they first send you home with him. When Cody was sick, our Vet did. I am praying all will be ok with my handsome mancat (YOUR handsome mancat whom I ADORE)…….please give him TONS of kisses from me!!
dood……we iz sorree N send st francis’ blessingz two ewe….we hope all de nasteez
go a way soooper quik fast N yur on de road ta ree cover N ya stay ther….keep
sum blessingz under yur pillow in case ya mite ever knead em again…..N tell mom
ta reed bout sardines if her gets a chance ; they help jump start yur app a tite… water noe
salt etc. ~~ ♥♥
Poor Pierre, we’re sorry you had a rough week, and all those trips to the v-e-t! We hope you are feeling better this week and will be back to your good ol’ self shortly! Sending purrs and soft kisses . . .
oh noes my sweet Pierre. So sorry you had such a tough week buddy. Sending my softest paw pats hoping you are startin’ to feel more like yourself this week. purrs, Savvy
Poor Pierre ! We’re glad he’s feeling better, and we send him tons of healing purrs. Purrs
Oh Pierre. Seeing your sweet little nosey out from under the towel in your Sleepy Pod just broke my heart. Poor baby. I hope you get ALL better quickly. XXXXX
Oh Pierre, we hope you are really truly getting well ! What an ordeal, for you especially, but also your Mom too. I can’t always pill my cats either – and it is awful when a furkid is sick / Purrs & POTP to everybuddy.
Poor little guy! We sure hope you’re back to 100% real soon!
Poor Pierre and poor Julie! I know how you must have felt having him so sick. I hope he is better very soon and back to himself. Are you still having to give him fluids?
He’s getting fluids every other day for another couple weeks as supportive therapy. It’s not his favorite thing, but it does help him feel perkier.
Oh Pierre, I’m sorry you had a really bad go of it and we’re all sending purrs to you. We hope the all better shows up and stays pal.
Oh, Pierre! You are such a beautiful boy and we is surely glad that you are finally feeling better. Healing purrayers to you. Your friend, Patzy
Poor Pierre! We stopped by today to say hi because we haven’t been around in a while, and we read this sad news. Our paws are crossed that Pierre is back to himself soon. P.s. Our mom loved seeing you at BlogPaws this year. She wished she had more time to talk to you.
Poor Pierre! I am glad he is getting better and send good wishes for his continued improvement.
We’re glad Pierre’s feeling better. What a scare! My favorite picture is the last one of Pierre looking out from under the towel in the SleepyPod … who could say no to that face?!?
Staying at the vet and feeling bad is a hard week!
You must have been sick with worry over Pierre, and all the driving and pilling, etc. Here’s hoping he’s 100% again!
reading this about broke my heart.. Retro purrs for Pierre.