Ashton: Just a few final touches. My first chicken emporium stand is ready to open! I just need to run to the litter box first.
Newton: I can watch the stand while you take care of business in the litter box, Ash.
Ashton: If you’re sure. No sampling the inventory!
Newton: Sure, whatever you say.
Newton: Did you believe she would ever open this? I didn’t.
Cupcake: What are you doing, Mr. Newton?
Newton: I’m watching Ashton’s new chicken stand.
Cupcake: Chicken! I like chicken!
Newton: You might not want to do that, kid.
Ashton: Hey! No sampling my inventory! What did I tell you, Newton? I have to clean this up! Why don’t you two go wrestle somewhere else?
Ashton: My inventory is a mess! I need to tidy up before more customers get here.
Ashton: The chicken emporium stand is finally open! Come on by! No samples allowed.

We’ll have a couple of those chickens, Ashton. Do you take Paypal?
Wow! ConCatulations. Could we have some chicken to go please?
The Florida Furkids
grate ta see ewe all again !! hope all iz well N everee onez happee & healthee
can we pleez get three burgerz N sum friez ~~~ 😉
I’m so happy your dream came true, Ashton! Wishing you all the success in the world in your new business enterprise 🙂
That is an awesome stand, Ashton. Chris wants to order three chickens, Frankie wants two and Floki wants to know what a chicken is.
What an entrepreneur you are Ashton, best of luck in your new biz!
Ashton, you know my mom is just goo goo eyed for you! She always said so. So she said she’d ante up if you’ll sell me some chickens. Now Cupcake, she’s sweet on you too. Mr. Newton…ooo la laaaa!
Concats Ashton!!! Do you deliver? Mom says we can’t travel right now
You are a marketing genius sweetie, that new stand is terrific!
Ashton, you can’t get good help these days…
Ashton, you can’t leave your business for two seconds without Cupcake making a mess. We are so happy for your chicken emporium being open now. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
Concatulations on opening your new business Ashton !
It sure is good to see you kitties again !
Congratulations on getting your Chicken Emporium up and running, Ashton.
I am so impressed Ashton. Your dream has come true 🙂
Yay, Ashton! This is milestone event! Do you take credit cards?
Wow, you are a small business owner now, Ashton!
Now, those chickens are definitely whole (well, except for the one Cupcake sampled) – but tell me, are they tasty? I’m in the market for some chickens for my tasty whole chicken farm! Sisters sure ruin everything, don’t they? ~Bear Cat
A biznessowner can never trust things to an underling… Loss of inventory…
Mmmm, chicken…
You could write a song, There’s No Business Like Chicken Business to advertise your new venture. Maybe you and Newton could dress up as chickens and go on the tellybox to tell everyone about it.