When Cupcake was at the vet, she got a prescription for her runny eye.
The prescribed pills are really big. Much bigger than Cupcake will comfortably take.
So it’s up to the humans to put them into something that goes down more easily. We use gelatin capsules. Size 3 gelatin capsules are a good size for a cat to take. They manufacture special flavored gelatin capsules for pets, but we have tried them and they aren’t worth the extra cost. Cats don’t like taking them any more or less than they do the unflavored ones.
The only problem with getting the medication into a gel cap is that that big pill won’t be into that little capsule.
This means we have to cut up the pill. Before you cut up a pill, ask your vet if the medication can be cut up. Some pills have time release coatings, and the medication doesn’t perform the same way if you cut it up.
We started by cutting the pill into quarters. There are lots of pill cutters meant specifically for cutting pills, but at our house, the pill cutting tool of choice is a miniature cleaver originally meant for cheese.
Even cut into quarters, the pill won’t fit into the gelatin capsule.
So the pill must be cut into smaller and smaller pieces, until they fit inside the capsule.
Once the capsule is filled, put the top on. If it won’t push shut far enough that it feels like it will stay closed, you have put too much in a single capsule.
Now your pill is ready to give in a much smaller form factor that will go into your cat more easily.
If your cat isn’t easy to pill, a good pill shooter can make the task easier for both of you so you can get that pill far enough into your cat’s throat for her to swallow. Look for a pill shooter with a soft tip. They do a better job of holding the pill until it is time to release than the ones with hard plastic tips.
Be sure to follow up pills with a syringe of water or something to eat to be sure the gelatin capsule makes its way down the throat.
Cupcake: With a little help, I will feel all better soon. Watch out, Newton!
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We kitties do make things difficult, don’t we? My human takes her chances and shoves pills down Binga and Boodie’s throats! She always gives them a treat afterwards so they don’t mind so much. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be done on a regular basis.
The mom uses gelcaps a lot for our meds. Cutting the pills up can be a pain though.
I’ve never tried a gelcap, but I’ll remember this. We do use the pill shooter and it works nicely!
good grief….those manufacturers need to figure out a better system
cupcake….we iz sorree ya haza funkee goin on with yur eye
N hope it kleerz up soon; thanx for de tipz on thiz gel case;
cheeze, bread, meatz, pill pocketz N even donut peecez haz
been tried heer, N epic failed afturr de first three timez ! 🙂 ♥
Oh Cupcake, that doesn’t look like much fun. Those are big pills. Glad the Mom figured out a way to get them down you. Have a great day.
I put my cats pills in wet cat food open her mouth put it to the back of her throat , she swallows done deal!
Our Dad is really lucky, we all take pills without any problem at all, but Brother Simon is a bit wiggly!
Cupcake, you are all grown up now! Sorry to hear about your meds; The Hubby used a razor blade to chop up Chucky’s pills, then he rolled the pieces in pill paste…then dropped that glob down Chucky’s ‘hatch’! Often, The Hubby would find a sleeping Chuck, and pop that glob in before said kitty knew what was happening! I highly recommend pill paste.
TW sez this is good advice especially about the pill shooter. she wants her hand as far away from my mouth as she can get it. Luckily my pred can be chopped up and put in food.
Thanks for posting some helpful information on how to help with owners who are having problems giving their little ones a pill. The capsule way is the way we would usually go with. We hope Cupcake will feel better really soon. Newton, you better watch out. Have a great day and feel better Cupcake.
Wow, I’ve never seen a pull cut up and put in a gelatin capsule! What are manufacturers thinking in making pills so large for cats?
We dont often have ta take pills, but when we do (and the vet says it is ok) TBT crushes them between two spoons and mixes the powder with cream chees. We ALLUS accept THAT!