Cupcake: This blanket argued with me, so I brought it to my favorite hangout.
Cupcake: It’s much more comfy to sit here with my blanket.
Cupcake: Softer under my black and white fur. This blanket is warm when it’s not fighting back.
Newton: Cupcake, you knocked things down with the blanket.
Cupcake: I didn’t mean to, Mr. Newton.
Newton: I’m sure you didn’t, kid. But I’m not going to be here when the humans find things knocked down from the tree. I usually get blamed for that.
Summer says
I see your humans do the same thing mine does – all the soft ornaments are on the bottom branches.
Brian Frum says
You sure look darn cute under there Cupcake!
The Island Cats says
Well, at least it was something that wasn’t breakable. We don’t think the humans will get too mad about that.
Random Felines says
that looks like a nice place to hang out Cupcake. and don’t worry about the ornament – it isn’t the breakable kind 🙂
The Swiss Cats says
You’re the cutest ornament, Cupcake ! It looks like your mom knows kitties very well : the ornaments we can see are all unbreakable. Purrs
Eastside Cats says
Newton, you couldn’t possibly get into trouble for Cupcake’s ‘bull-in-the-china-shop’ routine; it’s on film!
Margaret Elmendorf says
WE think that is such a good idea Cupcake. Bet that is comfy and you are going to be right there when Santa comes. Have a great day.
Lola The Rescued Cat says
Did you drag the blankie in there by yourself? That’s a great idea.